Goal setting can be an invaluable exercise that can literally revolutionize your life for the good. Most of the great entrepreneurs who have accomplished amazing things have been extremely effective at setting goals. While goal setting is important, it’s effectiveness can increase exponentially if you practice the steps that I will be outlining in the next several blog posts. You are about to learn several of the great secrets to effective goal setting.
The first step in the goal setting process is getting specific. It is imperative that you specifically define what your goal is. Generic goals are ineffective, because they fail to identify what you are really trying to accomplish. For example, you might have a goal to be healthy. If that is as specific as you get, then you really haven’t defined it. What does healthy mean, especially to you? A better goal would be, “I am going to increase my health by lowering my blood pressure and cholesterol to xyz levels, and I am going to lose 15 pounds. You might have a goal to become rich. Again, this is a very generic goal. Instead, you could have the following goal, “I will become debt free by paying off my house, car, credit card balance and student loan”.
The specifics outline exactly what you are talking about, and this step forces you to really think about what you want to achieve.
Once you’ve specifically outlined the goal, then you need to burn the image of that goal into your brain by using the strategy of “painting the picture”. Most people are visual, and it’s amazing how powerful a picture can be. Imagine you are planning a vacation to Hawaii, and you are trying to select which resort you will stay at. Would you rather have a written description of the resort or pictures? While the description is very important to identify the amenities, etc., the pictures are what move you emotionally.
You need to visualize exactly what accomplishing your goal would mean to you. It’s critical to see it in your mind as if it has already been achieved. Meditate for a moment on the completion of the goal. What does it feel like? Can you see it? Can you taste it? Imagine the rush of accomplishing this goal. Now find a picture that represents the goal. It can be something cut from a magazine or a picture that you have taken. This picture should instantly take your mind to the place of accomplishment. If you have a goal to spend better quality time with your children, then you might consider using a picture of you playing with your children.
Finally, you need to place your picture and goal in a place that you will see it every day. The daily reminder and visual impact of the goal will keep your focus on the task at hand. Many people will set goals and then quickly forget in the busyness of their lives. Painting the picture by itself is not enough. You have to look at that picture on a daily basis, so that you start internalize the value and importance of the goal. In the process of reviewing and visualizing your goal, you will start to focus. Focus is the secret ingredient that actualizes the efficacy of the goal setting process. As you continually focus on the goal at hand, your mind will commence a process of determining how to achieve it. In the next blog, we will cover the next essential step – answering the why question, and you will be further equipped to go out and do great things.